Dash is now on LocalCryptos! Peer-to-peer trading using non-custodial escrow and InstantSend.
You’ve been waiting for it, and now you have it! Today, users on the world’s most popular non-custodial peer-to-peer crypto marketplace will be able to trade Dash.
Earlier this year LocalCryptos held a vote for the next crypto. The three possibilities were Dash, Litecoin and EOS. In a narrow victory Litecoin took out the vote, and was added to the platform for trading on the 15th of June.
That same month we announced that as the results of the vote were extremely close, it was clear the crypto community had chosen its next peer-to-peer tradable crypto on our non-custodial platform.
How will the non-custodial escrow work on Dash?
As with Litecoin, Dash shares many similarities with Bitcoin, which means we can port our non-custodial BTC escrow script to Dash. The………
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Author: LocalCryptos
Original link: https://blog.localcryptos.com/dash-trading-begins/